Thursday, 22 January 2009

Time is running out!!!

Had my last two exams yesterday. However, I'm in a state of panic as the first two ads are due in a week tomorrow and little progress has been made due to exams. Laura is ill today and not in so we cannot work together to organise our next plan of action. I believe we are going to spend all of next week re-doing them in stop frame animation as laura is an expert at this thanks to her photography work and can guide me in what to so so that we can work together to create our ads. We are keeping the ads the same with the different time periods. the only thing changing is the method in how we do it. However this will give us loads of things to write about in our evaluation My task for today is to find music that will fit each ad and to sort out the narration.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2009 and loads to do!

In yesterdays lesson laura and I had a reality check and realised we have loads to do. Im already stressing as I have 4 exams in the next two weeks so finding time to work on coursework poses a problem for me. Together we agreed that I would work on the ads in my free periods in school so that i can revise at home in the evenings. So all day tuesdays, wednesdays mornings and all day fridadays I shall be working hard in the mac rooms. And now that laura has flash at home she can carry on with the ads at home. So if we work hard we shall hopefully reach the deadlines with quality work.
Today I plan to take filming equipment home (camera and tripod) and film a few new shots that are needed to get the right flow of movement in the jungle ad so that on friday I can start cracking on with it. Hopefully we will encounter no more problems with the production process. All that we have to do is ensure we manage our time correctly so that we create 3 ads that are of a high standard and fit the brief.