Wednesday, 6 May 2009

un blogged stuff

Wish I had seen this earlier

This is a vidoe filmed in frame by frame of snails. the quality isn't very good but i like how the snail eats the flower, and to create the effect of a snail trail prit stick was used.

More codes and conventions!

codes and conventions are

using a celebrity to sell the product... Calvin ckline..peppsy
been unusuall....cadburys gorilla advert
brand name advertised over and over
using a popular song to "Hear come the girlie's whenever you hear it you think of them
Catch tag lines such as harribo "Kids and grownups love them so"
Fear facure skin cream adverts do this alott....if you don't use this he wont love you hair adverts use this as well
using guilt and pension skeeps use this and insurance don't leave loved ones without anything
shot styles....close up on face of person caffod or other Charity's use this
creating a episode....BT cencon all did this automaticly you relate this to the product and create a conection to the famiily or people in it
style.....carlsberg...You know who your friends are
all of the things you see in advert are influenced by what the public want for example cadburys realised that the public wanted something a little more unusual and something they can remember It may not necessarily relate to the product. But it gets word of mouth going "Did you see that new cadburys advert ?" and you remember it

these are the things that company's need to be looking at to sell their product.

Target Audience

Our target audience demographics:
Age- 18-50
Gender- female
Social class- middle class
Status- single or married
Race- any race
Interests- fashion and beauty

L'Oreal advert

glam shine lip gloss

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Timotei advert in french because again the english version wouldn't work- lame

commercial shampoo adverts

Garnier advert in french cos the english version wouldn't work

Friday, 24 April 2009

Our adverts

Below is a link to Laura's blog which contains all three of our completed adverts.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Our campaign.

We have almost finished our three adverts.
All of the adverts are complete with music, apart from we need to add a voice-over at the end saying, "Simply what your hair needs!"
I will put them on here A.S.A.P, however YouTube nor Blogger will upload the videos so we'll have to try again from a different internet connection probably!

ad 3

this is the music which have decided to use for ad 3 which is set in space

common craft

this company make videos which give instructions in a simple format and use paper which is similar to what we are doing in our adverts

music for ad two

this is the music we are going to use for ad 2 as it reflects the period of time in which it is set.

Friday, 27 February 2009

feedback on ad 1

After discussing ad one with Mr Michie and the amendments that need to be made (lighting, using a photo for character), we have now planned to make these changes at laura's house Thursday next week after school. This will enable us to put music and narration to ad 1 ,as well as making a few changes to make it more effective. So hopefully by the end of next week we can move on to the production of ad 2- finally!

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

How I have progressed

Looking over what I have done from september up until today, I believe that a lot of progress was made on our coursework from september til novmber. By this point I had done all the filming needed. The footage was editied and ready to go into flash animation, and we had made a start on our first adverts, although we had a few problems with having to learn all the tools to use in flash.
However, my downfall was the lack of knowledge on using flash and it seemed to take me hours to create the smallest of movement in the animation. Although our initial idea and method seemed like a good idea, it was taking too much time and by January, despite me spending hours at a time in the mac room, and laura working on the ad at home, only about 6 seconds was complete in animation.
I then took a break from working on the coursework in January as I had 4 exams to focus on. Once all the exams were over in Febuary, laura and I thought about what we could do to solve the problems we had incurred. We decided to scrap the idea of using flash as it was just taking too long and we feared we would miss our deadlines. We decided to keep our ad ideas the same, but change our method of production. Instead of using flash we drew the setting and characters and used stop frame animation as laura had previous experience in the method of filming, and the software to edit it. So we got our act together and I spent the whole of last thursday at laura's creating ad one in stop frame and making sure we followed our storyboard. And by the weekend, ad one was complete.
From this, i believe the downfall in our production was that editing in flash was just taking an immensly long time and I spent too much time focusing on every littile detail to make sure it was right. Although what we had done looked good. The reality of it was that we were running out of time. Using stop frame proved easier and we still kept to the original ideas and managed to create ad one in a week. I just think we should have chosen to use stop frame a lot earlier as it would have saved us a lot of time and stress. And I do think its a shame that we wont get to create a whole ad using flash as it did look really effective and different from other students work. But we had to be realistic and meet deadlines. With more time we might have been more successful with using flash.
But overall, I think as a team laura and I worked well together. We had good ideas and both wanted to achieve something a bit different. Together we resolved the problems that we incurred, and although our coursework didn't go as planned, I'm still happy with the way ad one has gone. We now need to nuckle down and complete the next 2 ads, but looking back on how the production of ad1 went in stop frame, we now know what we are doing and it shouldn't take much time.
This experience has introduced me to animation and I have enjoyed learning to use new software such as flash, that I didn't think i would. It has also showed me just how important it is to use my time effectively on work (have already started revision notes for other subjects as I dont want to get in a blind panic come june!). But from all this I now have a lot to write about in the evaluation of my coursework.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Half term!

We spent a day in half term on our coursework trying to get Ad 1 complete. We decided to do it in stop-frame animation using paper shapes that we made because our coursework really wasnt going well with Flash animation. This is what we have now:

We still need to find some music for it, something jungle-ish. Maybe from The Jungle Book? But thats what we got done over half term :)

Friday, 13 February 2009

how it all works...

FrameByFrame works by taking a picture and putting it into a sequence, it uses something similar to "onion skin" effect in Adobe Flash CS3 where you can see the last movement made in a more opaque view. From this, you can make slight changes to the image, moving it slightly so that when lots of movements are played together in a sequence, it appears as if its moving by itself. FrameByFrame lets you export your animation in many different formats, we will export it into a quicktime format and put it into iMovie HD where we will then add audio and narration and there we will be able to edit it if need be.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Time is running out!!!

Had my last two exams yesterday. However, I'm in a state of panic as the first two ads are due in a week tomorrow and little progress has been made due to exams. Laura is ill today and not in so we cannot work together to organise our next plan of action. I believe we are going to spend all of next week re-doing them in stop frame animation as laura is an expert at this thanks to her photography work and can guide me in what to so so that we can work together to create our ads. We are keeping the ads the same with the different time periods. the only thing changing is the method in how we do it. However this will give us loads of things to write about in our evaluation My task for today is to find music that will fit each ad and to sort out the narration.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2009 and loads to do!

In yesterdays lesson laura and I had a reality check and realised we have loads to do. Im already stressing as I have 4 exams in the next two weeks so finding time to work on coursework poses a problem for me. Together we agreed that I would work on the ads in my free periods in school so that i can revise at home in the evenings. So all day tuesdays, wednesdays mornings and all day fridadays I shall be working hard in the mac rooms. And now that laura has flash at home she can carry on with the ads at home. So if we work hard we shall hopefully reach the deadlines with quality work.
Today I plan to take filming equipment home (camera and tripod) and film a few new shots that are needed to get the right flow of movement in the jungle ad so that on friday I can start cracking on with it. Hopefully we will encounter no more problems with the production process. All that we have to do is ensure we manage our time correctly so that we create 3 ads that are of a high standard and fit the brief.